


发表于 2012-2-28 11:21:43 | 显示全部楼层
5-K Training: NoviceTraining for your first 5-K
HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED TO TRAIN to be able to run your first 5-K race? Some individuals who possess a reasonably good level of fitness (because they bicycle or swim or participate in other sports) could probably go out and run 3 miles on very little training. They might be sore the week after the race, but they still could finish.

But if you've made the decision to run a 5-K race, you might as well do it right. This is an eight-week training schedule to help get you to the finish line. It assumes that you have no major health problems, are in reasonably good shape, and have done at least some jogging or walking.

If running 1.5 miles for your first workout seems too difficult, you might want to begin with the Walking Program. If the novice program seems too easy, consider the Intermediate Program or even the Advanced Program. But be careful not to obverdo it, particularly if this is your first time training for a 5-K. For more motivation, you might want to purchase one of my interactive programs where I send you emails daily telling you what to run and offering tips. My interactive programs are available from TrainingPeaks.

The terms used in the training schedule are somewhat obvious, but let me explain what I mean anyway.

Rest: The most important day in any beginning or intermediate running program is rest. Rest days are as vital as training days. They give your muscles time to recover so you can run again. Actually, your muscles will build in strength as you rest. Without recovery days, you will not improve.

Run: Put one foot in front of the other and run. It sounds pretty simple, and it is. Don't worry about how fast you run; just cover the distance--or approximately the distance suggested. Ideally, you should be able to run at a pace that allows you to converse comfortably while you do so. This isn't always easy for beginners, so don't push too hard or too fast.

Walk/Run: This is a combination of running and walking, suggested for those in-between days when you want to do some running, but only some. There's nothing in the rules that suggests you have to run continuously, either in training or in the 5-K race itself. Use your own judgment. Run until you begin to feel fatigued, then walk until recovered. Run. Walk. Run. Walk. Another option for in-between days is to do some cross-training: biking, swimming or just plain walking. You get a little exercise, but not so much that you are fatigued for the next day's running workout.

Walk: Walking is an excellent exercise that a lot of runners overlook in their training. In the training schedule below, we suggest that you go for an hour-long walk on the day after your longest run. Don't worry about how fast you walk, or how much distance you cover. Take time to stop and sniff the flowers or enjoy a scenic view. Not all training should be difficult. If a 60-minute walk seems too much at first, begin with about 30 minutes and add 5 minutes a week until you reach 60 minutes.

The following schedule is only a guide. Feel free to make minor modifications to suit your work and family schedule. The progression below suggests adding a quarter-mile to most runs each week. That's one lap on most outdoor tracks. If you train on the roads, or on trails, it's more difficult to measure precisely how far you run. So don't worry about it. Approximate the distance. Feel free to make minor modifications to suit your work and family schedule. Also, consider signing up for an interactive program for more detailed information on what to run each day and tips for your training.
5K Training: Novice | Intermediate | Advanced | Walk

1Rest or run/walk1.5 m runRest or run/walk1.5 m runRest1.5 m run30-60 min walk
2Rest or run/walk1.75 m runRest or run/walk1.5 m runRest1.75 m run35-60 min walk
3Rest or run/walk2 m runRest or run/walk1.5 m runRest2 m run40-60 min walk
4Rest or run/walk2.25 m runRest or run/walk1.5 m runRest2.25 m run45-60 min walk
5Rest or run/walk2.5 m runRest or run/walk2 m runRest2.5 m run50-60 min walk
6Rest or run/walk2.75 m runRest or run/walk2 m runRest2.75 m run55-60 min walk
7Rest or run/walk3 m runRest or run/walk2 m runRest3 m run60 min walk
8Rest or run/walk3 m runRest or run/walk2 m runRestRest5-K Race
发表于 2012-2-28 11:22:48 | 显示全部楼层
早六点四十出门,跑步3000M,定时20分钟,因为计划明天跑休,今天决定跑的稍块些,第一圈用时2分多点,今天感觉有点冷,下周计划跑到22、3分钟 距离在3000至3200M
发表于 2012-2-28 11:23:35 | 显示全部楼层
壬辰龙年跑步之四(二月初一 02.22)22分第一次(3km)
上周六一下20分钟跑了三千米 感觉有点不适,本来计划周日早晨去骑车放松一下也只好放弃,周一又休息一天,昨天早晨闹铃没响,又停跑一天,今天无论如何不能再停跑!
  计划每跑10次 增加2到3分钟,关键要坚持,中间不能停止太久
发表于 2012-2-28 11:24:21 | 显示全部楼层
壬辰龙年跑步之五(二月初二 02.23) 22分第二次(3KM)
早六点二十出门,没想到风那么大,天有点冷,昨天预报零到八度,也没带帽子和手套,出门了只好如此了,慢跑到操场,6:29开跑 跑了一圈 不那么冷了,第一次感受到不只骑车 这跑步也有风阻啊 保持在每圈3分钟的速度跑完22分钟
   计划:跑二休一 每周能跑四次 周日、二、三、五跑步 周一、四休息 周六早骑一次车
发表于 2012-2-28 11:25:36 | 显示全部楼层

2012.02.25 从斗母泉下来手都冻僵了

本帖最后由 晴骑车 于 2012-3-5 11:41 编辑

     按照计划,今天早晨去骑车,目标--斗母泉,早6点起床,6:30出门, 走之前在水壶里灌了点蜂蜜水 加了点白糖 ,到兴隆的小超市里买了一包法式小面包,以便在途中补充能量,随身携带方便的 易消化的小食品 随时补充能量,这应该是种科学 又省时的方式。
      开始爬坡前 拍张照 ,估计以后斗母泉得常来了 ,以后每次在这里爬坡前都拍张照
过了桥 开始上坡,开始计时,这次肯定很慢,期待年底时 有比较明显提高
这坡爬了无数次了,不知不觉 也没有觉得特难受,就到了村口了,正在脑子里思索以后的骑行计划时 猛抬头发现一只大黄狗正在离我几步远的地方慢慢向我踱来,猝不及防,它要向我扑来,躲都没处躲,我心提到了嗓子眼,突然想起以前曾看到 狗狗会判断出你的心理,你越胆怯 它越凶,我是不是该壮壮胆,来不及多想,故作镇静的向前继续骑,还好,这只狗狗还比较友好,只是默默的看着我从它面前走过,忽然想起这只狗 似曾相识呢,
就是它 :

或许是被这狗狗惊了魂 迷迷糊糊 怎么感觉眼前的这一切那么陌生 记得进村后 到斗母泉前有一段比较陡的路,而且由于打泉水的人多,经常有水留下,也一直没发现,迷迷糊糊继续前行,不见神泉,怎么貌似越走越不对,难道是走错了路? 不可能啊 再一看 晕,这不是要出村子了吗,赶紧下车,停表,用时33,分09秒05,顺原路 返回,越走越奇怪,难道有岔道?不可能 都来了多少回了,
  原来如此 斗母泉变样了啊,新修了护栏 难怪会没看见

水池里水 都满了! 池边一个人也没有 这真是少见,又顽强的自拍了几张后下山

前两次晨骑加上这次斗母泉 总共骑行75KM,累计骑行14372KM

发表于 2012-2-28 11:42:20 | 显示全部楼层
壬辰龙年跑步之六(二月初五 02.26) 22分第三次(3KM)
今天是周日, 昨天去爬了趟斗母泉,今天计划把老婆也拽进来,先让她从走开始,所以出门比较晚,到操场已经快7:00了,7点半结束 走出操场
发表于 2012-2-28 11:43:59 | 显示全部楼层
壬辰龙年跑步之七(二月初七 02.28)22分第四次(3.4KM)
按计划今天跑稍微快点 跑完八圈,六点半出门小跑到操场,第一圈用时2分22秒,太快,后面稍微放慢了下速度,三圈后脸上开始冒汗
  跑完第七圈用时不到19分 肯定能完成计划。跑过八圈 还剩些时间 总共跑了约八圈半
power—Z 21'54"
HEATH-Z 0'10"
KCAL 328
最大心跳 168
平均心跳 160
发表于 2012-2-28 14:56:07 | 显示全部楼层


就是 就是滴 ,呵呵  发表于 2012-2-28 17:02
发表于 2012-2-28 16:26:25 | 显示全部楼层


谢谢 呵呵,一起练练吧  发表于 2012-2-28 17:04
发表于 2012-2-28 16:27:02 | 显示全部楼层
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